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What If I Guide You From Start To Finish?

start to finish


We all have huge dreams.

Some of us even have the spirit and go to give shape to these dreams.

Which of us hasn’t scoured the internet searching for ways to give shape to our wishes and achieve a little more than we already have.

At times, you would have come across people who do not possess the will to start a project. And met others who have grand plans, but do not know the direction to take.

When we get into something new online, it is interesting at first. But then slowly we start encountering difficult areas and problems in that activity. We search for solutions and come up against a blank wall.

It is at these times that you need someone to help you. If you are alone, sometimes, these issues can seem insurmountable and make us want to quit even before we have fully started. Ready help and motivation to continue are almost essential.

What if I guide you from start to finish?



And so is it with learning to earn online.

Yes, learning to earn! You heard it right.

LEARN TO EARN! That sounds queer but that is exactly what the truth sounds like. Online, you have to learn to earn. And it’s not easy. The process can be tiring and trying. And if ready help is not available along the way, it’s not so comfortable to go it alone.

Interestingly, I believe that we all will get stuck in the same places on our journey. We will all face the same devils and monsters. And therefore, if we have someone to guide us systematically along the path, the journey is easier.




For example, did anyone tell you that PayPal or a similar service is almost essential in the online financial world?

What about a Gmail email ID?

And a gravatar?

And learning about online and offline SEO and Google Search Console and AdSense and Amazon Associates?


Your One-Stop Destination For Everything Connected To Online Success

So what all do we need to consider, when we start our online journey? Maybe this article will sound downright childish and very basic to you, but for absolute beginners, the online world can be more confusing than we can imagine.

A lot of us are adept at Microsoft Word and PowerPoint, and some of us know a bit of Excel. Most of us have accounts on Facebook and WhatsApp and Pinterest and YouTube and Twitter and we imagine that we are internet geeks. Sure we are able to open up a few sites and log in and do our stuff, but that is not enough to earn any money online. Or make ourselves popular. Or monetize our efforts. What is required is a dedicated involvement with learning how to make cash online.

What is the aim of getting online?

Think about these things for a while before you start. Sometimes writing down what you really want is a great way to clear your thoughts. The aim could be to achieve happiness. It could be to coach others. It could be to bring our poetry or story to the world, write a book, teach children, or just about anything. Yes, you can make money with anything online. But if you are not clear as to what you are looking for, then you can end up very disappointed. Going in the wrong direction can cost you valuable time and effort.

Are you looking to earn as a side hustle or rake in the big bucks?

Let me explain a bit further. If you have dreams of making millions, then offering your services on Fiverr and writing speeches for people may not get you those millions. It can get you some money, but not millions.

Similarly, if you start an eCommerce venture on Shopify, you may think that your store will become a brand name in a year. But will it really, unless you have learned how to select a perfect niche, and have started figuring on the first page of Google in search results for your niche.

Where will the traffic come from? Do you know how to bring in the traffic?

These are questions that can only be answered when you address the basic question … what do I really really want?

What do I need?




















What Is The Way forward

Join a program of your choice. If you are looking to make big money, then join up for a program that offers to teach you how to set up a sustainable, long-term business. This is the most important.

Do not try and join a site that promises you thousands of dollars for doing nothing! There are no genuine sites of that sort. There cannot be! After all, if someone could make a fortune doing nothing much, then those who promise you such riches would have made that money for themselves, not sold that idea to you.

There are no get-rich-quick schemes online. At least none that work. The flashy sites promising you $500 an hour are only to entice you to sign up for some Ponzi scheme. And they will succeed in their aim of taking your money if you let them do it.

Find a Genuine Program That Will Work

Join a genuine program like Shopify or Wealthy Affiliate or Authority Hacker. These are Training Programs that will teach you how to set up a real business online and develop something permanent. A proper way to make money online.

The rest are just ways to get you to sign up so that they can make money off you.

Research Your Money-Making Idea Thoroughly

There is no end to the wealth of information available online for you to figure out which program is genuine and which is not. There are called Reviews. Take some time to read reviews about the programs that interest you. Google everything using keywords such as legit or scam or review. For example:

Read about the top online programs available for learning whatever you like, ie Affiliate Marketing, or Blogging, or Internet Marketing. Use keywords like Top 10, Best and Top Rated:

Ask Questions on sites such as Quora and Reddit and even Google to figure out what works for you:

Last but not the least, visit sites of the most well-known internet gurus, who have made billions of dollars online, doing what others try to do, only they have learned to do it better. Just type their names into Google. Most have websites by their own names:-

This is Just the Beginning

Once you have worked out what you want to do, do come back here for a step-by-step methodology of getting where you want, without falling prey to online scams.

Wish you the best in everything that you undertake.


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