Earn Cash Online – Be A Proofreader
What is Proofreading?
In simple terms, proofreading means examining any text carefully to find and correct typing errors, grammar, style, and spelling mistakes.
With the rise of the internet, blogs, and social media, the demand for high-quality content is steadily growing. This is why there is a huge demand for online proofreaders who can examine any text and make sure it’s error-free.
You should definitely leverage this opportunity to earn some handsome money online.
Suitable For
Anyone who loves to read, write, find, and correct errors.
Skills Required
1. Ability to speak and write in English with native-like fluency.
2. Excellent reading comprehension skills and the ability to follow written instructions and work independently.
3. An average proofreading speed of 1000-1500 words per hour.
How To Get Started
The best way to get started is by applying for the post of online proofreader on the following two websites:
1. Proofreadingservices.com
Submit your Proofreadingservices application here.
Before you can submit your application, you’ll need to pass a 20-minute test which consists of 20 questions. These questions will test your basic English and Grammar abilities.
Strive to get maximum answers correct because your acceptance will be based on your test score. Higher the test score more are your chances of getting selected.
2. Scribendi.com
Submit your Scribendi application here.
Scribendi offers great flexibility for proofreaders, you can actually choose when and which projects you want to work on. But you need to commit to proofreading a minimum of 10,000 words per month.
Like Proofreadingservices.com Scribendi doesn’t conduct any qualification test but candidates having experience in editing, writing, document production or language teaching have higher chances of acceptance.
Payments are sent via PayPal, and you can also earn monthly incentives.
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Many years ago, a “live” exam was needed to certify your proofreading abilities. It could be taken only after documenting the knowledge level in a language by an official certificate issued by a college. Also, proofreaders were hired mostly by publishing houses, legal entities or medical institutes. No “freelancing” at those times at proofreading.
I’m glad it became that much easier, as many knowledgeable people will find a possibility for an income this way.
Proofreading is such a nice job to do!
Yes KerryAnne, its a simple job and earns big too.
I love to make money online and on top of it i have to write about 5000 words a day to keep up with my work so technically i have been proof writing myself for a very long time. Yes sometimes i use grammar checks and stuff like that but i could choose not to if i wanted to. Maybe this i a good option for me and i need to branch out into being paid to read peoples writing instead of writing tonnes of words a day myself. I didn’t know you could sign up for something like this i thought people came along to you for such a things. But its good to know there are opportunities like this out there.
Thank you
Proofreading is a great avenue online. All the best Taine
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