voice acting jobs
By ApsArtOfCool,  Entrepreneur,  Making Money Online,  Side Hustles,  Success

Voice Acting Jobs: The Astounding Way To Make Easy Money Using Your Voice, in 2022

There are many popular ways to earn nowadays; some talk about affiliate marketing, some about graphic design, some about cryptocurrency, and so on. But you don’t find any of that interesting, now, do you? Maybe you want to learn about other options. Well, has the thought of making money with your voice ever crossed your mind? Yes, you heard that right! Today, I’ll be talking about making money with voice acting jobs.

I am sure you are aware of the soothing voice of Morgan Freeman or the crazy voice of the character, Rick, in ‘Rick and Morty’. Does that not sound like a cool job? To voice characters and bring life to them. After all most of us had our childhoods revolve around movies like Lion King, in which the characters are brought to life by their voice in acting.

Yes, there are real paid people whose profession is called voice acting and there is an entire industry to voice acting jobs and voice acting auditions. But how does one get in? Where do you get started voice acting? Is a good or attractive voice sufficient? Let us go through these questions together.

So, without further ado, let’s dive right in!

what is voice over training

Who am I?

Aparna Bansal, CEO of make-cash-online and Art of Cool Enterprises Private Limited

My name is Aparna. I am a dreamer who is passionate about every aspect of her life. Variety, adventure, and new things interest me and are what keep me going. Furthermore, I believe that you have to “Be the change you wish to see in the world”.

I avoid the nay-sayers, and the overtly careful. I prefer to forget the critics and believe that we should learn to cast aside our doubts and inhibitions. We are indeed the masters of our own destiny!

This life is our only chance. No one is getting out of here alive. It’s time to live our dreams, to take risks and to give it all we can. We only live once.

Today, I want to tell you all about making money with voice acting jobs. It is a really simple way to start making money online. And I’m talking BIG money!

I have always believed in conveying the absolute truth, and so my articles do just that. You will get both the good & the bad. Basically everything related to what is voice over training and whether it is really worth going in that direction when it comes to making money online.

Let us see how this whole voice acting jobs thing works now, shall we?

What Is My Aim?

My aim is to find you the best possible ways to make money online. I obviously understand that it has to match your interests.

While I shall be telling you what are voice acting jobs about here, you should know that there are literally a thousand ways to get rich online. You have to choose one or two methods and stick to them. Consistency is what is important

The money comes, that’s for sure, but only after some amount of time and effort has been put in.

So do go through my article on what are voice acting jobs and whether or not you make money with this.

If you wish to check out the many common and uncommon ways of making money online, please go through my list below, and click on whatever suits your fancy. Take a look at my ratings for all these methods too.

Let’s make some money together!

Ideas For Making Money On The Internet My Rating
Affiliate Marketing with Wealthy Affiliate9.9/10
Start a Blog9.7/10
Affiliate Marketing with Authority Hacker (TASS)9.5/10
Making Money on YouTube9.5/10
Affiliate Marketing with Income School 249.3/10
Making Money on Instagram8.9/10
Affiliate Marketing with RA Wealth Partners8.7/10
Become a Graphic Designer8.7/10
Affiliate Marketing with 2020 Super Bundle8.6/10
Sell a Service on Fiverr8.5/10
Create a Comparison Website8.5/10
Affiliate Marketing with Partnership To Success8.4/10
Sell Items on eBay8.3/10
Affiliate Training with Rich Dad Summit8.2/10
Create a Membership Site8.2/10
Making Money with the Amazon Associates Program8.1/10
Affiliate Marketing with 12 Minute Affiliate System8.1/10
Create a Niche Website8.0/10
Affiliate Marketing with Legendary Marketer8.0/10
Write and Publish an eBook7.9/10
Affiliate Marketing with $1K A Day Fast Track7.8/10
Become a Voice Actor7.7/10
Affiliate Marketing with Click Wealth System7.5/10
Making a Coupon Website7.0/10
Affiliate Marketing with Super Affiliate System6.0/10
Selling a Course on Udemy5.0/10

Let’s Come Up With a Win-Win Situation

Would you like to be an ‘author’ with www.make-cash-online.com? We are always on the lookout for top-notch writers, who want to be a part of us. We only accept quality blogs & reviews. And we pay between $10 & $15 for each article. For more information please click here.

Have you ever wondered, where do cartoon characters get their voices? Would you be surprised if I tell you that even phone assistants such as Siri by Apple have their voices provided by voice actors?

Well, voice acting is the art of doing voice-overs or just providing voices to represent a character, and its demand is ever increasing.

So, my friend it is high time that you capitalized on this wondrous opportunity and learned a bit of voice acting.

Getting started with voice acting is simple, and promoting yourself is FREE.


As the owner of this website, I have tracked down special deals for some products and services mentioned herein. When you use the links on this page to make a purchase, I may also get a small commission, and you will definitely get a great bargain. For example, as an Amazon Associate, I may earn from qualifying purchases. This commission is paid by the product company and has absolutely nothing to do with the price you are being charged. The discount you get is due to my efforts to trace out the best available benefits for you. It’s a win-win situation all around. Full Affiliate Disclaimer.

A Quick Summary

Name of ProgramBecome a Voice Actor
WebsiteDifferent coaching websites like Udemy and marketplaces like BunnyStudio & Voice 123
  PriceMost of these sites are FREE
Verdict Voice Acting is something that will forever be in demand. The industry is a bit
tight to get into but nothing that can’t be penetrated, with a little bit of dedication
& skill
Review Time60+ hours
Get started today button make-cash-online

What Are Voice Acting Jobs All About?

Make cash online com

If you’re wondering what is voice over training, well, voice acting is the art of providing voices to be used in a professional piece of work. This is often done to represent a character, narrate a story, or give information to an audience.

A voice actor is one who provides a unique voice that is fit for the required purpose. Voice Acting can take place in various forms such as films, television shows, and commercials or even during live productions such as theatre and puppet shows and you need to know how to ace voice acting auditions if you’re wondering how to become a voice actress.

what is voice over training

Voice acting isn’t just about voicing characters or doing impressions. Voice acting jobs require some acting skills. Since voice actors work behind the scenes of production and are not seen, their skill shows strictly through their voices. Changing inflections and doing various deliveries is what makes one capable of doing voice acting. If you think you’re good at this, well, voice acting jobs might just be for you!

If you have a great voice or you are splendid at mimicry, becoming a voice actor can fetch you a lot of money online.
As a voice actor, you can lend your voice to animated movies, presentations, product videos, television programs, cartoons, anime series, video games, commercials, audiobooks, and make money your voice!

How To Get Started Voice Acting? The Secret to Acing Voice Acting Auditions

make money your voice

Well, it may seem to you like voice acting is just naturally being gifted with a good voice and making use of it. However, it is not as simple as that. Like any skill, there is a fair bit of learning to be done. The best way for this is to take classes, look for a good voice coach, and learn from experienced ones. Practise is all what is voice-over training about. Loads of resources are available online for all this.

There is general training provided by coaches but it is not only limited to that, they also offer training for very specific niches (Character voice development, accent correction, audio production, etc.). These courses can be found on Youtube or on Udemy. A basic guide for beginner voice actors can be found here (some basic tips by successful voice actor David Thackara.) 

how to become a voice actress

Along with training, you should also have some samples ready. Recording your own demos, which are short audio clips that will showcase the range of voices you specialize in will greatly increase your chances of landing voice acting auditions. Furthermore, I recommend that you use vocal warm-ups to prepare for a recording session, capturing or minimizing ambient noise, and seeking peer feedback on your recordings.

Websites like Voicebunny.com and Voice123.com are great marketplaces to get voice-acting jobs so I recommend that you create your profile, and dig out the voice-over jobs for yourself. You can also find voice-over jobs on platforms like Fiverr. I have an entire article dedicated to getting started with Fiverr and earning money on it fast, so do check it out!

A Sneak Peek Inside Voice Acting Jobs

There are many marketplaces where you can land voice-acting jobs. My personal favorite is Voice Bunny, because it has great support and resources. One of the most popular ones is Voice 123. Here is its webpage:

voice 123

When you click the ‘Sign Up’ button, you get this sign up page:

voice acting auditions

Here is the main dashboard of Voice 123:

voice 123
Join now button make-cash-online
VoiceBunny at BunnyStudios.com

Voice Acting Jobs & Money: Make Money, Your Voice

voice in acting

Pay in voice acting varies according to the scale of work. So there’s no exact number I can give here. Earnings also depend on the amount of work involved in a project. Naturally, big projects will make you more money. You can start doing small assignments, in the beginning, once you have the confidence and experience, then you can hop on to doing medium and larger projects.

Every voice-over project may belong to different categories and cater to different audiences. There is no base rate for voice acting in general, however; each category in voice acting has its own industry rate that determines the amount that can be earned for each project. For instance, voice acting for local radio commercials is paid far less than voice acting in a national television advertisement.

There are some considerations that you need to have when deciding the potential salary you should ask for when going for a job/getting a gig. There are costs in running your voice acting business/work and career:

  • Studio and equipment
  • Education and training you took
  • Portfolio and Industry experience

You factor in a lot of things personal to your career and look at the market trends, demand, and supply, and price your work accordingly.

voice acting jobs

You earn using voice acting by narrating books (ACX is a good place for that); if you have sufficient experience you can sell your own online course online giving lessons and sharing experience. Another good opportunity is freelancing and looking for gigs to work as a voice actor, this option is especially suitable for those who want to work from home (Voice bunny and Snap recordings are some popular platforms specific to this line of work).

According to the data gathered from multiple different sources the average amount that a voice actor makes ranges anywhere from $30,000-$60,000 on an annual basis, annual salaries as high as $217,000 and as low as $13,500 have also been recorded.

Check Out These YouTube Videos On What Are Voice Acting Jobs

Is it Worth Getting Into Voice Acting Jobs? My Final Assessment

What I Do Like Thumbs Up

  • Becoming successful in this field is extremely rewarding.
  • Low cost of entry into the field
  • You can get a lot of work from home opportunities
  • Lots to learn

What I Don’t Like

  • Commercial work in this field is rather competitive
  • It takes a good amount of training

What I Think About Voice Acting Jobs As A Tool To Make Money Online?

voice in acting

You have a good voice, so why not use it to use money, no? If the idea is that simple in your head then you need to rethink. As mentioned above, the question of passion is real in this case since it is not an easy money making opportunity but a proper career like that of an actor which you will have to build.

The low cost of entering might entice you but remember, natural voice alone doesn’t do the job; you need to learn and be coached about the quirks of this field. You will also need to manage yourself as an own business and face some competition if your aim is to make it big in the commercial field.

All in all, it seems as if for voice acting the most important thing is that you like the idea of it and are not thinking of it as just a way to make money. Make sure passion is more involved than greed, and yes, always take good care of your voice, just in case you decide to move in this direction.

No matter what you decide upon, alway remember that you might start out making some extra cash on the side – and later, with enough hard work and persistence, make a comfortable living out of it. The important thing is that you keep trying since investing your time and effort is all what is voice acting about.

Only in persistence shall you find success.

That’s a quote by me so please take it with a grain of salt 😋

Voice Acting Jobs ARE For…

  • It is for people who are great at controlling their voice frequency
  • It is for people who exhibit acting skills
  • It is for people who are comfortable with recording equipment and have a basic understanding of how the equipment work
  • It is for people who wish to attain financial freedom and spend more time counting their earnings than worrying about it.

Voice Acting Jobs ARE NOT For…

  • It’s not for those wanting to get rich quick.
  • It’s not for people who have no time.
  • It’s not for those who are not willing to put in the work it takes.

Final Verdict About Voice Acting Jobs

Making Money With Voice Acting Jobs: A Hit or Miss?

  • Voice Acting Jobs are most definitely NOT A SCAM.
  • Voice Acting Jobs are great for gaining exposure and getting your first pay check online
  • They is definitely in the TOP FEW ways to learn and earn through internet.

Are There Any Good Alternatives?

You can earn good amounts of money with voice-acting jobs depending upon your situation and the business model that you choose. However, there is another thing that I’d like to talk about. Have you ever heard of Affiliate Marketing? Why does everyone online seem to be doing affiliate marketing? What is it really about?

Well, let’s take a moment to understand the concept of affiliate marketing, shall we?

What is Affiliate Marketing?

So, let’s say that you just got into the online money-making scene and exploring your avenues? Well, let us tell you about the easiest way to make a paycheck online. It’s affiliate marketing.

You basically get paid to promote the products of others. So, no skills, products, or even a brick-and-mortar setup is required. You just need your laptop and an internet connection. Could it be easier? Affiliate marketing has given us some millionaires and they call it the best business strategy in today’s online world. Check out the Top 5 of them:

Others like Bob Proctor, and Zig Ziglar, and Russel Brunson, and Dean Holland, and Brian Clark, and Ian Fernando, and Zac Johnson are all internet gurus who worked towards being the greatest today.

Imagine Working Anywhere, Anytime, and Making Money While You Sleep! That’s unbeatable, trust me.

And the money is GOOD. It’s not a side hustle we are talking about here. You can quit worrying about finances or losing your job. You would probably be spending more time counting your money and thinking of ways to spend it!

If you wish to understand a bit more about Affiliate Marketing, please check out the infographics in the short articles below!

As Always

Take action button

As an affiliate marketer, voice-over jobs are a fine channel that you can utilize to make money online. If you have come this far in my voice acting jobs guide, please remember that only by taking positive action can you truly know what a program is like. I took the same plunge, a while before you, and I would not have been where I am today, had it not been for some wonderful programs that earn you good money.

Taking action is what counts for making money online. Only that can change your life.

Believe me, internet and social media marketing is a great way to go! It may take time to build up your system, but just like any good business, it cannot be built overnight.

The important thing is that you must join a program that is good, and learn exactly how to start making money online.

I Believe In Action

If you are still unimpressed with voice acting jobs, I suggest you do not take it up. Part of the deal is that you have to be completely convinced for it to be of value. The reason for that is that it is going to be you who has to implement the system. And if you are not sure, then you may not work on it like it is required.

But there is also this other program that I wish to talk to you about.

Pull Open the Curtains

wealthy affiliate

My top recommended money-making system is a program called Wealthy Affiliate. It’s actually my #1 suggested program. According to my research, it is the easiest way to make money online.

Long ago, I took action by investing in and starting with a training course called Wealthy Affiliate. It is the ULTIMATE foundation course for learning affiliate marketing and getting your online business set up. It takes work, but if you work, so does the system. Completely GENUINE and easily the best training you can get online. And did I forget to mention, it is FREE to join, and not even a Credit Card is required.

Aparna premium Wealthy Affiliate member banner

I always talk about getting into a system that teaches you as well as helps you get set-up with a workable system that can earn you money. Well, that is exactly what Wealthy Affiliate is. It helps you to learn and put into practice what they teach side-by-side. By the time you finish the training course, you also have a website fully-ready to make you money. Now that’s what I call a proper “money-making program”.

Wealthy Affiliate is not really a resource or a tool. It is a platform that trains you to become an affiliate marketer, and also helps you side-by-side to set up a full-fledged business, while they take care of all the resources and tools that you need along the way. Find out what is Wealthy Affiliate about, and give it a go for FREE. It is, in fact, the best way to make money online.

Sign Up For Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate is totally FREE. Not even a credit card is required. They give you time to understand the Premium level of the program fully for 7 days, without spending anything. In addition, you get a website free along with hosting, security, SSL, and other benefits. Even after the 7 days free Premium trial is over, you can continue with the free website. Please go to the Wealthy Affiliate login here.

If you wish to upgrade to Premium later, you can do that as it obviously gives better tools & functionality within the platform. Or you can continue to learn and build your website, without paying anything at all.

You can check out my reviews or Signup for Wealthy Affiliate by clicking below:

If you have any contributions to make, or questions to ask, you can put them down in the comments below. I would love to hear from you.

Never miss out on our future posts. Follow us for new ways to make money online by clicking here.

Good luck with your dreams. Remember, the best way to make your dreams come true, is to wake up and follow them.


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Is gIs voice acting a good career?

Voice acting is one of the most exciting and rewarding careers available today, especially when you consider the diverse range of clients, flexible work hours, and the ability to audition and work from home.
To know more about voice acting jobs and how you can leverage this field to make money your voice, check out the article above!

Can you make a living off voice acting?

Yes, you can! Your earnings as a voice actor range from: $35 for a small market radio spot, $150 for a 15 second recording for say a small website, $250 – $350 for a 30 second major market radio commercial (Plus use fees) to about $2000 – $5000 per audiobook, as an established voice talent.
To know more about voice acting jobs and how you can leverage this field to make money your voice, check out the article above!

Do you need a degree to be a voice actor?

No formal education is required to begin a career as a voice-over actor. These actors provide the voices for animated characters in TV shows and movies. A bachelor’s degree or training in acting may be an asset to those who wish to enter this field
To know more about voice acting jobs and how you can leverage this field to make money your voice, check out the article above!

Is voice acting difficult?

Many beginning young actors think they can worm their way into show business through voice-over work. But lending your voice to a cartoon or a goofy commercial can be more difficult than landing a speaking part on a TV series
To know more about voice acting jobs and how you can leverage this field to make money your voice, check out the article above!

Is it too late for voice acting?

It’s NEVER too late to get into voice over. There are so many genres of voice-over, so many platforms for audio-visual media and with smartphone apps, audiobooks, IVR and YouTube so many avenues have opened up for voice-over artists. Age in voice-over is actually just a number – your audible voice age is what matters.
To know more about voice acting jobs and how you can leverage this field to make money your voice, check out the article above!

Who is Alexa’s voice?

The voice of Alexa, the virtual assistant developed by Amazon, is provided by Nina Rolle, a Colorado-based voiceover artist, according to a new book.

Is Fiverr good for voice actors?

Because while there is excellent quality (as a buyer) on Voices.com and Voice123 , it’s a game that’s very much set as a disadvantage to the seller (the actor) because the HOUSE is taking your money. Also, you can actually modify your rates, give custom rates, or add addons to make it closer to your worth.
To know more about voice acting jobs and how you can leverage this field to make money your voice, check out the article above!

I am a compulsive chips-eating monster and a book-worm, thrown into one. Love the sea & the mountains alike, though what really makes me happy is the rain. My new interest is playing the piano, & am seriously contemplating learning to fly a plane next. And, did I forget to mention, I'm gonna be your the-girl-next-door-easygoing-namedropping-millionaire by the coming year. Wish me luck! Together we could be unstoppable; so hit the SignUp button, if you care to be awesome.


  • Kelly

    I once took part in a voice acting job. They were specifically after a Yorkshire accent. It was for a phone company and while it was interesting it was also tedious. 

    One imagines voice acting to be story telling, acting, and mimicking. These are awesome, a lot of fun, does take training. What I found myself doing paid well but consisted of hours of me saying ‘volume up. Volume down. Set alarm for 2:45. Set alarm for 7, open step meter.’ Etc. It was like recording a GPS. looong.

    That said there’s some great points here. If you work with a voice coach you can be a great voice over for all sorts of amazing things, video adds, documentaries, cartoons, books and much much more.

    • Aps

      Hi Kelly, 

      Wow! Thank u for all the information. Couldn’t have had it better than from someone who’s been there and done it. 

      So kind of you to write in. Really grateful. 



  • Stephanie

    This seems like a great side hustle for those who don’t really like to share their face (YouTube, TikTok’s, etc). I agree with you regarding how tricky it can be to actually make it out in the voice acting industry. It’s not easy but not impossible either. I had no idea that to be a voice actor you’re required some training for your voice; I know singers have vocal coaches but never would I ever imagine that you would need to train your voice. That’s mind-blowing!

  • Anna

    Hello Aparna, I absolutely love you article. Lots of very useful information but presented in a very friendly and helpful tone. I love the idea of voice acting jobs although I never thought about it. I wonder if this would be a good option for someone with an accent, or if it does not matter? I’m sure there might be a need for all sorts of voices and accents.

  • Ashley

    Wow! What a great site, with some really informative content. I am so happy I came across this article.  I actually looked into this once, and even set up my profile on Covoco. I never followed through with it though, or at least no yet.  I may actually audition for one of the jobs soon tho. Do you think it is necessary to have a good microphone and a studio-like room to make your demo recordings? Also, how do I come up with good demo content for my applications?

    Anyway, thank you again for doing the research on this topic and putting together a well-thought-out post.

    • Aps

      Absolutely no need for a studio-type room Ashley, though a good quality microphone would certainly help. Loads of content available on these Voice Acting sites and YouTube. 

  • MIchel

    What a fun way to earn a living, and I would never even have considered this if I hadn’t come across your post.

    I would think you would definitely need some training for this as well as some acting ability as you mentioned, but the great part is as long as you can sound convincing, you never have to show your face, so you can be as silly as you like. I would love to know how many people make successful careers by doing this. Do you know of anyone personally?

    • Aps

      Oh yes, my friend Jazz makes over $6k per month doing this. But she won’t talk about how exactly she does it. She has tie-ups with some ad companies

  • Lizzy Stabel

    This could actually be an interesting job for me to do, as people have been telling me a lot that I have a fantastic voice over the phone. So making money with a voice acting job is something I would really like to do and I think I’m going to go for it with the training that you suggested in your blog post! Thanks a lot for this, have a nice day!

  • Andrew

    I think there is a lot of people currently looking for ways to earn extra income, and this sounds like a fun way of doing it.
    Thanks for the in-depth review. It certainly gave me a lot to think about.
    I know a lot of famous actors do voiceovers, like in the video above, and I’m sure they make a ton of money for it.

    Definitely something to think about 🙂

  • Groomy Dude

    Hello Aparna,

    I never really thought about trying to become a voice actor. I probably won’t but just reading your article has made me think about how much fun it would be!

    There is probably no way I could become an on-set actor for many reasons but if I could immerse myself in a character and just be the voice I think I could rock that out! I had not really looked into this but it amazes me there is so much need for it. I guess if there are animated characters there has to be a voice. and there are only so many people doing this. 

    Pretty cool idea! I may introduce this thought to my son, he has an amazing singing voice and can articulate very well. It could be a success story for him. 




    Hi Arpana This sounds like a great activity. I’ve heard of voice actors but didn’t know that anyone could do it. I like that the positives to this outweigh the cons. It’s a great way to earn extra money.

  • Liam

    Very interesting! I have never seen this before! I’ll be heading over to check this out for sure. It’s rare to come across an entirely new-to-me take on making money online, always a pleasure. Do you have experience with the earning potential? How saturated is it? Is it similar to transcription work? 

    • Aps

      I do not have personal experience with this Liam. My voice is too horsy I guess 😋

      It’s a field not many venture into. So there is still scope. And the payments are pretty good. 

      Yes, it also involves transcription type of work. But the BIG money is in TV and Films. 

  • Christine

    I actually like to play with my voice and try out different tones and voices. I would love to learn this more in-depth, maybe I should check out the Udemy course. I watched the first video and it certainly takes more preparation than I thought it would be. It’s incredible that a 60-year-old woman is the voice for Bart Simpson, she does an incredible job!

    • Aps

      The payouts for voice acting are quite good Christine. I think you have a great voice as I have some videos of you. You should definitely give this a try.

  • John Stanley

    Hi Aps,
    Thanks for the great review on voice acting jobs. Do you think you need a unique and entertaining voice to be a voice actor. You mention being able to control frequencies as important and that makes sense. But what other voice qualities are essential?
    I wonder of training is offered for those wanting to create an income in this field too?
    This is really interesting and I wonder what are the first few steps to get started on this as a side hustle.

  • David

    Hi there and thanks for the review.  That sounds like it would be a lot of fun.  Ever since I was a kid I have spontaneously mimicked various voices, cartoons and otherwise.  I have had friends who were radio show hosts that have told me that I have a good voice for radio.  I am always on the lookout for innovative ways to make money online.  I’ll be sure to add voice acting to the tickle trunk.

    I have a headset with a mic for chat during gaming.  Would that be sufficient enough for voice overs or would I need to invest in a more sophisticated mic?  If a better mic is the solution, do you have any recommendations?

    • admin

      What you need is already with you. Invest in more sophisticated equipment when u start making profits. A major mistake most people make is spending on stuff and then facing disappointments too early, because the expenditure begins to weigh heavy on them. 

  • Dana

    Definitely a job market for that. We need voices for characters, cartoons, or commercials to come to life. I never thought about voice acting. Your post made me want to look further into it. You should’ve provided live links to the voice over websites for your readers to check out. Have you done any voice acting? 

  • Ann

    Thank you, thank youuu for this idea. Once I thought about it, I liked it. But it hadn’t occurred to me. Yeah, I think I could have a good chance of making a living with this. And it’s also something I feel attracted to. I’ll head over to these two sites right away and get my accounts set up. 

    PD: I’m excited! 🙂 🙂

  • Maria

    While stuck inside my house during quarantine lounging around like a beat up potato, I was very intrigued by the realm of online income. I believe I saw voice acting on a list of possible jobs, but I didn’t look into it more than that. In my mind, I thought that to do voice acting I’d need to have a radio or audible book type of voice. Your article here has shown me the true potential of voice acting, though, and now I see that I actually am perfectly capable of being a decent voice actor. Although I have already begun other online endeavors, I’m very glad to know now that voice acting is a viable option!

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