I am a compulsive chips-eating monster and a book-worm, thrown into one. Love the sea & the mountains alike, though what really makes me happy is the rain. My new interest is playing the piano, & am seriously contemplating learning to fly a plane next. And, did I forget to mention, I'm gonna be your the-girl-next-door-easygoing-namedropping-millionaire by the coming year. Wish me luck! Together we could be unstoppable; so hit the SignUp button below, if you care to be awesome.


  • JJ

    I have read that book several times. In fact, while i am responding to you, the book is on the shelf right above my head. It is amazing how the answers that we want in life are right in front of our eyes, but we keep passing over them as if they never existed. Reading the book is one thing but I think I would like to get immersed in the teaching and listen to like minded, successful people, who have the experience. I am sure there is a place for me. Thank you for that list of possible platforms.

    • Aps

      Great to hear that JJ. The book changed my complete perspective on money. And I would like nothing better than to help others to open their minds too. 

  • Rose

    For quite some time, Robert Kiyosaki, Fred Lam, Anik Singal and Lurn Inc. have been sending me emails, but I was ignoring them, thinking the offers are too high cost. 

    I was also focusing on Wealthy Affiliate, entertaining my slowness and do not really give myself a push.

    This article is an eye opener to me. Just unloading some heavy weights I carry to give chance for the opportunities that want to hop in.

    Thanks, Aparna, for writing this. I have been seeing you and you rock with your goals for success. Two thumbs up for you!

  • Rob Corbett

    Love Robert Kiyosaki’s stuff. Rich Dad Poor Dad was a game changing book for me. Would be great to check out a rich dad summit. Appreciate this information. Cheers

  • Cogito

    Hi Aparna. Thank you for another great post. I already knew Robert Kiyosaki books, but I had no idea that there is also online platform for online earnings created by him. This is great news, as there are so many anonymous programs which may be a scum that reliable face is big benefit for a program. Looking on your review its great opportunity for beginners, and entry price is also very reasonable. Looking forward to test it in practice.

  • Kokontala

    Good day, I’m pleased to meet you. The post you shared is so motivating; it gives me hope that I will eventually be successful. I have been on Wealthy Affiliate for 9 months now, and I was beginning to be impatient as I have not made my first sale yet. I have noted that SIDE HUSTLES & PASSIVE INCOMES work, as you outlined.

  • Dominique

    Hi. Thank you for this article. I really appreciate the fact that you provided with much information concerning the topic. Many articles out there are not that thorough and the give the reader a vague image. As an amateur affiliate marketer I found this very helpful and I will save it for future use. Thanks

  • Michael

    Interesting review. I read “Rich Dad Poor Dad” years ago. I often wondered what happened to Robert Kiyosaki, and never knew he went broke. 
    Guys like him will always make a comeback I guess, and your review shows that he has come back bigger than ever. Interesting that he is now using the online medium to make his bucks.

    Nice review, appreciate you giving info on things I know nothing about.

    • Aps

      Hi Michael, 

      I really wondered about that “going-broke” news too! But maybe it was just a ploy to get out of huge taxes. You never know. That’s how the business world works. But this is of course just conjecture.

      After all, his net worth is estimated at well over $100 million today. 

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