millionaire society make cash online
Affiliate Marketing,  Making Money Online,  Medium Money Earners,  Reviews

What Is The Millionaire Society About? The Scandalous Truth Behind Millionaire Society In 2022

The Millionaire Society software offered by the ClickBank promises riches. To be precise, it offers $30 an hour, $720 a day, and $262,800 a year. Sounds too good to be true? Well, let’s find out what is the Millionaire Society about!

In the world of online money-making, often times we stumble upon softwares and strategies that promise a lot and deliver…. well, not a lot. The aim of my blog has always been to tell you the absolute truth and so, I will do just that.

So, Is the Millionaire Society scam? Well, the software does seem deceptive and over-promising. Read on for my take and assessment.

However, does this mean that all affiliate marketing programs are scams, and making a pay check online is impossible? Hell, No! With affiliate marketing, you can get paid for promoting the product of others. I take it that you obviously have some knowledge of how Affiliate Marketing works. If not, and if you are truly a beginner, then you should read this first.

So, what is the Millionaire Society about? The Millionaire Society software is a trending ClickBank software and we need to find out whether it is worth spending on it or not. Is it true that Millionaire Society is a scam? Do Millionaire Society turnkey businesses even work? Is it the fastest way become millionaire!

Here you have a simple, succint, and unbiased review! Honest & true. Both the good & the bad. A no-holds-barred look at the program that promises riches. Basically everything related to what the Millionaire Society software is about and whether it is really worth investing in or not!

Millionaire Society review

Who am I?

Aparna Bansal, CEO of make-cash-online and Art of Cool Enterprises Private Limited

Hello! My name is Aparna, and I am an affiliate marketer. I am reviewing the Millionaire Society software specifically from the point of view of whether it is a worthwhile program to join or not.

The whole aim of affiliate marketing is to make money online, and this review will therefore obviously compare Millionaire Society with other currently available affiliate marketing courses, and tell you, as frankly as possible, which one works best. We will see what is the best affiliate marketing course available and, will of course evaluate Millionaire Society; does it work?




As the owner of this website, I have tracked down special deals for some products and services mentioned herein. When you use the links on this page to make a purchase, I may also get a small commission, and you will definitely get a great bargain. For example, as an Amazon Associate, I may earn from qualifying purchases. This commission is paid by the product company and has absolutely nothing to do with the price you are being charged. The discount you get is due to my efforts to trace out the best available benefits for you. It’s a win-win situation all around. Full Affiliate Disclaimer.

Before We Go Any Further

My Aim

My aim is to review important internet marketing courses & resources of value.

I have lately reviewed some of these training programs, tools & resources online, and here’s a summary of the top few, in the order in which I rate them:

Wealthy AffiliateAffiliate Marketing & Website DevelopmentKyle & Carson9.9/10
Authority Hacker (TASS)Affiliate MarketingGael Breton9.6/10
Income School 24Niche WebsitesJim & Ricky9.3/10
DesignrrEbook SoftwarePaul Bannister9.0/10
SqribbleEBook SoftwareAdeel Chowdhry9.0/10
SpeecheloText To Speech SoftwareStoica Mihai9.0/10
JaaxyKeyword Research ToolKyle & Carson8.8/10
RA Wealth PartnersFinancial MarketingTyler Gallagher8.7/10
2020 Super BundleAffiliate MarketingBrendan Mace8.6/10
Partnership To SuccessAffiliate MarketingJohn Thornhill8.4/10
Rich Dad SummitOnline SeminarRobert Kiyosaki8.2/10
12 Minute Affiliate SystemAffiliate MarketingDevon Brown8.1/10
Legendary MarketerAffiliate MarketingDavid Sharpe8.0/10
$1K A Day Fast TrackAffiliate MarketingMerlin Holmes7.8/10
Perpetual Income 365Affiliate MarketingShawn Josiah7.6/10
Click Wealth SystemEmail MarketingMatthew Tang7.5/10
SalehooDropshippingSimon Slade & Mark Ling7.4/10
Live Marketing HQAffiliate MarketingJustin Atlan7.2/10
Commission HeroAffiliate MarketingRobby Blanchard7.1/10
Wolves AcademyAffiliate MarketingEric Ellis7.0/10
VidelyAffiliate MarketingStoica & Vlad6.9/10
Video CreatoxYouTube MarketingMarc Christiansen6.6/10
Elite Traffic Pro 2.0Email ListsIgor Kheifets6.3/10
Super Affiliate SystemAffiliate MarketingJohn Crestani6.0/10
Magic SubmitterAffiliate MarketingAlexander Krulik5.6/10
CashBlurbsTraffic LeadsBryan Winters5.3/10
Empire Free Traffic SystemTraffic LeadsFergal Downes5.2/10
Udemy CoursesOnline CoursesGagan Biyani5.0/10
Diddly Pay ProFree Traffic GeneratorBryan Winters4.7/10
Recession Profit SecretsAffiliate MarketingRichard Pierce4.5/10
Clickbank UniversityOnline CoursesEileen Barber3.5/10
PayingSocialMediaJobs.comSocial Media ManagingAnnie Jones3.0/10
Millionaire SocietyTurnkey Internet BusinessesMack Michaels2.7/10
PaidOnlineWritingJobs.comFreelance Writing JobsNot Known2.4/10
SwiftFree Traffic GeneratorVenkata Ramana2.0/10

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What is the Millionaire Society About?

A review of the program

What Is The Millionaire Society about?

In simple terms, Millionaire Society is a website that claims that it can help you make money by creating automated businesses for you.

I’m going to show you how to make a boatload of cash without facebook marketing, without twitter marketing, without affiliate marketing, without paid advertising, without useless ad sourcing or buying endless products, and without financial commitment.

Mack Michaels, the founder of Millionaire Society

While the program is listed under affiliate marketing courses of ClickBank, its founder claims that his software doesn’t utilize affiliate marketing to make money. Seems sketchy, doesn’t it?

So how do you make money with Millionaire Society? Well, according to the website’s claims, the software will give you 135 millionaire society turnkey businesses. With just a click of a button, these turnkey businesses will help you generate ‘a boatload of cash’. For more on how the system works and how to get started, check out the section dedicated to it below!

The vague money-making method is cocooned inside an outdated website. Worse, the program comes with a hefty price tag. You can test drive the system for 7 days for $4.95 and then you are expected to pay a chunky monthly fees of $97!

It is worth mentioning, however, that the product comes with a 60 day refund guarantee policy.

money back guarantee

On ClickBank, for example, Millionaire Society has a Gravity of 4.12, as of today (12 April 2021). That means sales are low. We have to find out the reason behind this buyer reluctance!

clickbank score

A Quick Summary: What Is The Millionaire Society About?

Name of ProgramMillionaire Society
What Is It?A money making tool that helps set up an autopilot internet business
in just 15 minutes
  PriceOnly $4.95 for a 7-day trial
Thereafter, $97/month
 OwnersMack Michaels
Verdict A Deceptive and Outdated Program that Over-Promises Earning Claims
Review Time20+ hours
Get started today button make-cash-online

Why Choose Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is one of the easiest and most legit methods of making your first pay check online.

Google is home to 90% of all global search traffic. More traffic equals more clicks, and more clicks means big bucks. It’s hard to not capitalise on this opportunity.

With negligible costs, it is easy to set up a full-scale business online with affiliate marketing. Most importantly, affiliate marketing affords you the luxury of working from anywhere, and at anytime, in the world from your laptop. Don’t feel like working today? Just don’t open your laptop. It’s that easy!

Anywhere, anytime, any-which-way you like! That’s unbeatable, trust me.

And the money is good…. Trust me! Can affiliate marketing make you rich? Yes, sir, indeed! It’s not a side hustle. It can help you attain financial freedom and help you replace your monotonous 9-5 routine.

Let me now tell you about some of the greatest affiliate marketers in the world. Check out the Top 5 who have made millions off of it and call it the best business strategy in the world:

They all were beginners at one time. Have you heard about others like Bob Proctor, and Zig Ziglar, and Russel Brunson, and Dean Holland, and Brian Clark, and Ian Fernando, and Zac Johnson? They are the greatest today for a reason. They worked towards it.

If you are ready to work for it, it will work for you.

The program is definitely worth your while. That is my promise to you.

Affiliate Marketing: Getting Started

Just look at the Affiliate Marketing model. This is how it works:

How to get started in Affiliate marketing banners
How to get started in Affiliate marketing banners
How to get started in Affiliate marketing banners
How to get started in Affiliate marketing banners
How to get started in Affiliate marketing banners
How to get started in Affiliate marketing banners
How to get started in Affiliate marketing banners
How to get started in Affiliate marketing banners
How to get started in Affiliate marketing banners
How to get started in Affiliate marketing banners
How to get started in Affiliate marketing banners
How to get started in Affiliate marketing banners

Mack Michaels: The Mystery Man Behind  Millionaire Society

Mack Michaels, the supposed founder of of Millionaire Society is a ghost. The man simply doesn’t exist.

If the sales video is to be believed, the founder of the Millionaires Society is a 30-year old husband and a father of 2 who doesn’t consider himself as a technical genius or a business guru. He simply just “stumbled across the secret to online riches by mistake”. Sounds pretty shady if you ask me.

Now a multi-millionaire, Michaels hopes to make it possible for the layman to make big bucks online with his system. The story seems too textbook to be true. More importantly, Michaels provides no personal support once you join the Millionaire Society software. The guy hasn’t even posted anything on his Facebook profile! RED FLAG ALERT!

the facebook profile of the founder

How to Start Making Money With the Millionaire Society Software?

The Millionaire Society software boasts a pretty outdated interface. The offerings of the program? Underwhelming, to say the least!

Signing up would give you instant access to the program. There are three 2 minute videos introductory videos that guide you through the members’ area, along with 4 low-quality PDFs that supposedly help you make a money-making business. 

The first eBook titled, ‘How To Get 100K Visitors In Just 1 Hour’ will guide you through making dumb looking landing pages and paying email spammers to constantly bombard people’s inboxes.

The second eBook titled, “Pinterest Profits” is pretty vague and shares some basic knowledge about utilising Pinterest to drive traffic

The third, and last, eBook is called Domain Flipping. Millionaire Society requires you to buy domains for a dollar using discount codes and then selling them for $15 each when the demand arises.

The supposed business model

Well, what about the 135 turnkey businesses that Michaels promised? They simply do not exist. Instead what we get for $97 a month is a crappy product that is outdated and over-promising.

The Website of Millionaire Society

This is what the one page website of looks like. Here, Mack Michaels explains what is the Millionaire Society about:

website of millionaires society

The Sign-In Page of Millionaire Society

When you hit the “Add to Cart” button, you are taken to the sign-in page that looks like this:

sign in page
Join now button make-cash-online

What Is The Millionaire Society About: A Sneak Peek

The interface of Millionaire Society seems like something from the past.

what is the millionaire society about
the outdated interface

Millionaire Society Testimonials

Millionaire Society has provided some testimonials but it is clear that all of them are fake and paid for. RED FLAG ALERT!

scam alert

Top 5 YouTube Videos Of Millionaire Society (Both Positive & Negative Reviews)

What Is The Millionaire Society About: Final Assessment

What I Do Like Thumbs Up

  • Full Money-back Guarantee
  • No Prior Experience or Computer Skills Required

What I Don’t Like

  • No Training
  • Outdated and Over-Promising Business Model
  • A Facebook page that hasn’t been updated since 2012
  • High Price Tag
  • Outdated Interface
  • Founder Uses a Fake Name
Join now button make-cash-online

What is the Millionaire Society about?

With an outdated interface, the Millionaire Society is nothing but a crappy product dressed under wild income claims and promises. There is absolutely no training or support. The program basically promises you the fastest way to become millionaire via an outdated business model. The 135 Millionaire Society turnkey businesses that the dubious owner promises are nowhere to be found. Expensive and outdated, the program is likely to get you nothing in terms of money. I would not recommend spending your hard earned money on it!

What I Think

I believe that Millionaire Society is a scam. I think it may not provide you any earnings. In fact, it may waste your time and money.

Millionaire Society IS For…

Millionaire Society is for those who wish to try something new. But expecting anything worthwhile will be expecting too much. This program is not recommended.

Millionaire Society IS NOT For…

It’s not for those who wish to save both their time and money.

The Price Of Millionaire Society

  • 7-Day Trial : $4.95
  • Monthly Fees: $97/month

For a high price tag, Millionaires Society seems to deliver a crappy product. With just 4 video courses and 3 eBooks, this offering of ClickBank promises that you will make huge profits, which seems quite impossible.

Do yourself a favour and use the 60-day money back guarantee if you have already bought this program

Check Out These Links

The Facebook pages of the program and the owner seem more like scam and haven’t been updated since 2012!

Final Verdict

What is the Millionaire Society about; Scam or not?

  • Millionaire Society is probably a SCAM.
  • Millionaire Society is NOT RECOMMENDED.
  • Outdated interface and wild income claims is all that Millionaire Society seems to be about.

As Always

If you have come this far in my Millionaire Society review, please know that only by taking positive action can you truly know what a course is like. I was right where you are right now, in the decision phase. I took the plunge, and I would not have been where I am today, had it not been for some wonderful programs that do make you good money.

Taking action is what counts for making money online and only THAT can change your life.

Believe me, affiliate marketing is a great profession! It may take time to build up your system, but just like any good business, it cannot be built overnight.

Paying $4.95 for a test drive of the program would not make you poor. In fact, if the program works, that money can be recovered in a minute or two, tops! The important thing is that you must take action and join a program that teaches you exactly how to genuinely start making money online. If you do wish to give it a try, click below:

Take action button

I Believe In Action

If you are still unimpressed with what is the Millionaire Society about, I suggest you do not buy it. Part of the deal is that you have to be completely convinced for it to be of value. After all, it is going to be you who has to implement the system. And if you are not sure, then you may not work on it like it is required.

If you do want to make money online, please do not fall for the thousands of Ponzy schemes out there. They will take your money, and you will probably not make a dime. The question is, how do you recognize such programs.

Well, it’s not all that difficult really. Anything or anyone who promises you thousands of dollars with no work is conning you; it’s as simple as that. Money can be made online, but it will take work.

Another sure-fire way of knowing whether a program is genuine or not is by the look of it. Flashy titles, huge banners, promises of 1000s of dollars overnight are all signs of a system that will make you NO money. The real programs don’t have screaming headlines. They just promise to teach you how to make money online through proper training, and by your own hard work.

Therefore, any program that does NOT promise to make you thousands of dollars overnight, will probably be the one that will teach you how to make some real money online. Those are the programs to be trusted. Let’s look at some such programs:

My top recommended affiliate marketing program is a program called Wealthy Affiliate. It’s actually my #1 suggested program. According to my research, it is the easiest way to make money online. And it has everything you need to succeed.

Then, there is the Legendary Marketer program by David Sharpe. This is another acclaimed and very successful program online. I have rated it even above Wealthy Affiliate at the top of my review, but the beauty of Wealthy Affiliate is its completeness. A one-stop- destination for all that you need to do to set up a business online. Legendary Marketer is wonderful too but needs a little prior knowledge about affiliate marketing.

The last program that I wish you would look at is called Income School Project 24. If you watch one or two videos of Jim & Ricky, you will fall in love with the duo. They are unbelievably real and honest. And their program has produced many many successful affiliate marketers.

Long ago, I took action by investing in and starting with this training course called Wealthy Affiliate. It is the ULTIMATE foundation course for learning affiliate marketing and getting your online business set up. It takes work, but if you work, so does the system. Completely GENUINE and easily the best training you can get online. And did I forget to mention, it is FREE to join; not even a Credit Card is required.

I always talk about getting into a system that teaches you as well as helps you get set-up with a workable system that can earn you money. Well, that is exactly what Wealthy Affiliate does. It helps you to learn and put into practice what they teach side-by-side. By the time you finish the training course, you also have a website fully ready to make you money. Now that’s what I call a proper “money-making program”.

Aparna premium Wealthy Affiliate member banner

Wealthy Affiliate is not a training resource or a tool. It is a platform that trains you to become an affiliate marketer and also helps you to set up a full-fledged business alongside, while they take care of all the resources and tools that you need to get it going. Find out what is Wealthy Affiliate about, and give it a go for FREE. It is, undoubtably, the best way to make money online.

Sign Up For Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate is totally FREE. They give you time to understand the Premium level of the program fully for 7 days, without spending anything. In addition, you get a website free along with hosting, security, SSL, and other benefits. Even after the 7 days Premium trial is over, you can continue with the free website. Please go to the Wealthy Affiliate login here.

If you wish to upgrade to Premium later, you can do that as it obviously gives better tools & functionality within the platform. Or you can continue to learn and build your website, without paying anything at all.

Check out my reviews of Wealthy Affiliate by clicking below:

If you have any contributions to make, or questions to ask, you can put them down in the comments below. I would love to hear from you.

Wish you all that you wish for. Thank you for reading. Always always live your dreams. And dreams only work if you do too.


Aparna Bansal Signature logo



What is the Millionaire Society about?

Millionaire Society seems like a dubious software that supposedly helps you earn 30 dollars an hour without the use of paid advertising or affiliate marketing.

What is affiliate marketing?

According to Neil Patel, Affiliate marketing is the process of earning income every time you promote someone else’s products or services. Generate a sale for a company and get paid. It’s that simple!

How much money can you make as an affiliate marketer?

Affiliate marketing is more than your average side hustle. A decent affiliate can make anywhere from $10,000 a year to $400,000. A super affiliate can make upwards of $1,500,000 a year!

What are some of the most popular affilaite networks?

Clickbank, Shareasale, Wealthy Affiliate, JVzoo, Hotmart, Clickbooth, Ads 4 Dough, Commission Junction, Amazon Affiliate Program, and eBay Partners Program.

What is Millionaire Society about? Is Millionaire Society Scam?

With an outdated interface, wild income claims, and zero training support, Millionaire Society and its turnkey businesses seem like scam. Read my full review for what is the Millionaire Society about!

I am a compulsive chips-eating monster and a book-worm, thrown into one. Love the sea & the mountains alike, though what really makes me happy is the rain. My new interest is playing the piano, & am seriously contemplating learning to fly a plane next. And, did I forget to mention, I'm gonna be your the-girl-next-door-easygoing-namedropping-millionaire by the coming year. Wish me luck! Together we could be unstoppable; so hit the SignUp button below, if you care to be awesome.


  • Ann

    My first impression about Millionaire Society was good. But after reading several reviews it has gone to the opposite extreme. Your post in particular has been very helpful to unmask these guys. How can they have a Facebook group and bnot update it for 9 years! That’s crazy! I’ll give these guys a pass.

  • LineCowley

    I have not come across the Millionaire Society before, but a rating of only 2.7 out of 10 never bodes well. Just looking at the title of the first ebook of How to get 100K visitors in just i hour, sounds scammy to me. Together with the hefty price tag of $97 per month, I will not be tempted to buy this product, Thank you for the warning.  

  • Christine

    Oh well, overhyped claims, sounds too good to be true, the monthly payment is high, and the owner is a ghost. So, that’s a definite no for me! Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I checked out the list you shared about successful affiliate marketers and I think that we can learn more from them, right?

  • Jamila

    I’ve heard enough! Wow, definitely a scam.  You have done a thorough review which I am sure will help many if they are thinking about parting with their hard-earned money to become a member of the millionaire society.  They are clearly only interested in making money and not in helping their audience.  

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